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The Community Foundation Southwest Louisiana connects people who care with causes that matter. Community Foundations provide the fastest and most effective response after storms. No one knows their people as well as they do. That knowledge lets them make grants to area nonprofits that offer relief and comfort to people in most dire need.
Our community foundation connects people who care with causes that matter. The incredible outpouring of support from individuals, families and companies affirms how much people care about helping others in need. People from around the world have donated what is meaningful to them, from $1 contributions to $1 million from the Walmart Foundation and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana Foundation, and everything in between. It all goes to nonprofits who are directly helping people in the hardest-hit areas of Louisiana.
The Community Foundation of Southwest Louisiana's board has moved quickly to get relief to nonprofits that has upended more than 800,000 lives.
The Community Foundation of Southwest Louisiana is responding big and responding fast. We’ve raised more than $5.5 million from individuals and companies in the weeks following Hurricane Laura. Fundraising continues because recovery is expected to take months and federal relief takes time to reach people and nonprofits.
Community Foundation SWLA
1155 Ryan Street, Suite 212
Lake Charles, Louisiana 70601
Phone: 337-491-6688
Watch our social media for updated information.