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The Creole Nature Trail has 26 miles of Gulf beaches with amazing views and plenty of things to do. These beaches, for the most part, are untouched by development, providing a very natural beach and picnicking setting. The beaches are also conveniently located only 45 minutes from Lake Charles.
Since the beaches along the Creole Nature Trail are relatively secluded they offer the perfect opportunity for finding shells without dealing with large crowds. Located west of the Mississippi Delta, they are constantly replenished by the "muddy river's" southeast tidal flow which carries rich deposits of driftwood and a wide variety of shells including whelks, cockles, angel wings, cat's eyes, olives, wentletraps, coquinas and periwinkles. Low tide following a storm system offers prime shelling. With a little luck, you'll find a "Sea Bean" - a pod carried all the way from Central and South American forests. The best part is that you can keep all the shells you find as souvenirs!
Rutherford Beach is located on the Gulf of Mexico in Cameron Parish. Experience the sound of the crashing waves of the Gulf of Mexico waves and the pleasure of watching shorebirds and viewing the shells on this rustic beach. The only facilities at the beach are port-o-lets at the end of…
Holly Beach is nicknamed "The Cajun Riviera." This rustic beach is located along the Gulf of Mexico and is one of six beaches on the west side of the Creole Nature Trail All-American Road. The beach is perfect for fishing, viewing of shells, and bird-watching with friends and family. The…
Little Florida Beach is located along the Gulf of Mexico on the west side of the Creole Nature Trail All-American Road. The beach is positioned on the shoreline of the Peveto Woods Sanctuary.
Mae's Beach might be considered the most rustic of the Gulf beaches along the west side of the Creole Nature Trail All-American Road. The beach is the closest to the Texas/Louisiana line and only a little further down the road from Little Florida Beach and Holly Beach. Mae's Beach allows…