Impact of Tourism in Southwest Louisiana

Tourism thrives in Lake Charles and Southwest Louisiana, leaving a positive footprint on the region's economy and growth. Visitors inject millions into the local community through their spending at locally-owned businesses. This translates into a vibrant hospitality industry with numerous jobs for residents. Beyond the job market, tourism strengthens the local business ecosystem as visitor dollars flow to shops, restaurants, and attractions. The impact doesn't stop there. Taxes collected from visitors contribute significantly to the public purse, funding vital services that enhance the quality of life for both residents and visitors. This creates a harmonious cycle where tourism's success fuels the very amenities that make the region even more attractive to future visitors.

2023 Tourism Insights

(Economic impact data is provided by the Louisiana Office of Tourism and updated annually. Last updated: June 2024)

Visitors to Calcasieu Parish...

  • Generated $667 million in visitor spending, representing an increase of 4% from 2022. Calcasieu Parish ranks 5th out of 64 parishes in largest spending produced by visitors.
  • Contributed to the creation and support of 7,341 jobs, a 1% increase from 2022.
  • Generated $225 million in employment earnings.
  • Contributed $76 million in state and local tax revenue, reflecting a positive 2% increase over 2022. Calcasieu Parish ranks 5th out of 64 parishes in largest state and local tax revenues generated by visitors.
  • If it were not for the State and local taxes paid by tourists visiting Cameron Parish, each household would pay $965 MORE in taxes.

Visitors to Cameron Parish...

  • Generated $4.3 million in visitor spending, representing a steady increase of 1% from 2022.
  • Contributed to the creation and support of 47 jobs
  • Generated $1.4 million in employment earnings.
  • Contributed $484,171 in state and local tax revenue, reflecting a positive 3% increase over 2022.
  • If it were not for the State and local taxes paid by tourists visiting Cameron Parish, each household would pay $167 MORE in taxes.

2023 Louisiana tourism at a glance: Louisiana welcomed 43 million domestic and international visitors in 2023, an increase of 420,000 over 2022. These visitors spent a total of $18.1 billion in 2023. International visitation showed the most significant gain, increasing 16.9% in 2023 with spending reaching $1.7 billion. Visitor spending generated $1.94 billion in state and local taxes. Tax revenue generated through travel and tourism spending saves each household in Louisiana $1,098 a year in taxes that would be needed to maintain current services.

The R.O.S.E. and Legacy Awards are an opportunity for Visit Lake Charles to highlight community members who are championing the hospitality industry with their excellent service to Southwest Louisiana.